Our Fellowship Program provides upcoming researchers and students with access to many resources. Our team is waiting for you to contact us!
Ms. Claire Helpingstine
Doctoral Student
Developmental Science, Health Disparities and Cultural Identities Laboratory
Florida International University, USA
Dr. Venugopal Reddy Bovilla
Post Doctoral Fellow Center of Excellence in Molecular Biology and Regenerative Medicine (CEMR), JSS Medical College, Mysuru
Dr. Anne E. Fehrenbacher, MPH, PhD
Postdoctoral Fellow, Department of Psychiatry and Biobehavioral Sciences
Semel Institute for Neuroscience and Human Behavior, University of California, Los Angeles Specializations: Global health, LGBTQ health, health disparities, HIV/AIDS, sex work
Dr Smitha Chandrashekarappa, MD Community Medicine
Assistant Professor of Community Medicine at JSS Medical College,
JSS Academy of Higher Education and Research with research interest in Child and Adolescent Mental Health
Ms. Sasha Herbst de Cortina Medical Student, University of California Irvine.
Mr. Hector Peguero, BA Health Inequalities in Global Context
Dr. Neha Joshi, PhD Immunology in Health and Disease.
Dr. Subash Sonkar, PhD Clinical Microbiology of Infectious Disease and Global Public Health.
Dr. Karl Krupp, PhD Health Promotion & Disease Prevention
Dr. Anand Siddaiah, SMSc., MPhil., PhD Global Health Equity Fellow
Dr. Caity Placek, PhD Biocultural anthropologist in Ball state University, USA with research interests in global maternal-child health and evolutionary theoretical applications to human behavior.
Dr. Prajakta Adsul, MBBS,MPH, PhD Cancer Prevention Fellow, Implementation Science Office of the Director, Division of Cancer Control and Population Sciences. National Cancer Institute.
Dr. Hod Tamir, PhD, MS Developmental Psychologist and licensed mental health counselor.
Dr. Shirali Pandya, PhD
Senior Associate Consultant at Clarion Healthcare, Boston, USA.